The Bunny Shack Collective
“Creation through other identities“
In my research project “creation through other identities” for Nya Veje’23, Dansk Komponistforening and Copy Dan, I explore the topic, to compose and create through other identities under timed formats.
As composers, we often write music for others through ourselves, music that we or other musicians/performers then perform. The music is therefore always performed in a kind of second or third person version.
But what would it be like if I could compose and perform music through a singular perspective?
To create a character that is not just a fictional character but a character that becomes a part of me and I become a part of them.
Member of The Bunny Shack Collective
Älvan, as if straight out of Norse mythology and modernized in today’s society. This Elf’s goal is to spread love to everything and everyone. Älvan is the newest member of The Bunny Shack Collective.
Kaninen, the BunnyRabbit, started living in The Bunny Schack in 2022 and has since then written music for ensembles like Scentatet, Ensemble Mosaik, Esbjerg Ensemble and Transduct Ensemble. Kaninen is sweet and soft it’s greatest wish is for there to be more Bunnies in the world…
Framtiden is a person that will move in to The Bunny Shack come mid October 2024. The Guardian of the Galaxy who has accidentally crashed his time machine in our time. Genetically bred and absolutely perfect!
The Pink Princess had her first appearance at Klang Festival in Copenhagen 2021 and has since then appeared on other festivals including a pop up appearance at Kaninens “The Great Ägg Hunt” that was premiered at SPOR Festival 2023. From this princesses heart are glitter and pink kisses flying up to the sky. For this pink princess, life is a party, so please do not disturb her partying plans…
The Overlord is the Almighty, omnipotent, ruler of this world and its inhabitants.
Some thoughts behind the character “Kaninen“
When I was a child my favorite teddy bear was a bunny called Byggis. But after some years Byggis disappeared which left me very sad, wondering where it went.
Growing up I fell a lot but since I didnt have the reflexes normal people do, I didn’t catch my self with my hands as I fell. Which led to my two big front teeth moving further and further out. It was so far out, at one point, that I could fit my under lip in between those teeth and the other ones. Which led to some very unfortunate family photos….
Bunnies and Melodifestivalen always had a special place in my heart so for 30 days, Februray 2022, I said good bye to my life and Kaninen took over.
Some thoughts behind the character “Älvan“
As a child I loved to drift away to other worlds, reeding books about mystical beings and magic was not only something I enyojed but something a really needed. I can still see myself as a young girl, at the age of 7, standing on the balcony under the moon, singen in my white nightgown, wishing for a prince to come and save me. As I grew up and found myself, I decided that there was no way I’d let a prince save me, it’s better to just save one self!
But since then, all things magical is still on my mind. And I decided to create the character of Älvan to bring all things magical to life.
Älvan is a durational performence lasting between 01.07.24 – 01.07.30